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What is PE non-woven and PP non-woven fabric? Is it renewable?
Release Date:2019-12-03      Number of clicks:276

The material composition is fiber.

Pp stands for polypropylene, or polypropylene in Chinese. Nw is the abbreviation for nonwoven, which is nonwoven or nonwoven. It is an unwoven fabric formed by weaving the fibers into a net by air flow or machine, and then reinforced by spunking, needling, or hot rolling and finally finished. PPNW stands for nonwoven fabric made from PP fibers. Due to the nature of pp itself, the final performance of the cloth is high strength, but poor hydrophilicity. Usually THE PPNW process is spun into a net, hot rolling reinforcement. General PPNW is widely used in packaging bags, surgical protective clothing, industrial cloth and so on.

PE is polyethylene, same as above.

It can be recycled.

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